Модуль Delphi MT05

Модуль для калибровки прошивок блоков управления Delphi MT05, MT05.2, MT05.3, используемых в различных видах мототехники.

Для блоков MT05/.2/.3 флеш-памятью 128 и 256 Kb доступны следующие карты:

Air calculation: Base air filling, Volumetric efficiency at idle, Volumetric efficiency at part load, Volumetric efficiency correction via PAtm, Throttle valve position to enter full load
Idle: Additional correction for injection at idle, Additive correction for idle speed after start, Desired idle speed, Spark advance at idle, Target lambda at idle, Target lambda at idle
Lambda: Target lambda at full load, Target lambda at part load, Target lambda correction via coolant temperature, Throttle valve position to switch to full load lambda map, Normal stochiometric A/F (lambda=1)
Limiters IF FOUND!: Engine speed limitation, Engine speed limitation recovery, Vehicle speed limitation, Vehicle speed limitation recovery
Scalings: Coolant temperature sensor scaling, Intake air temperature sensor scaling, Throttle position sensor in case of fault, ADC voltage to detect TPS fault high circiut, ADC voltage to detect TPS fault low circiut, Injector scaling
Spark advance: Dwell time Spark advance at full load Spark advance at part load Spark advance base Spark advance correction via coolant temperature Spark advance correction via intake temperature Dwell time maximum
Start: Idle speed actuator position at start Spark advance at start Target lambda at start

Для блоков MT05.3 флеш-памятью 1.5Mb доступны следующие карты:

Air Calculation: Map for calculation of nominal charge, Volumetric efficiency, Volumetric efficiency correction via PAtm
Correction: Injector correction by temperature
Fuel: Enrichment
Idle Speed: Idle engine speed by temperature, Spark advance at start
Lambda: Lambda at idle by temperature Lambda at wide open throttle Lambda ta idle by pressure Normal stochiometric A/F (lambda=1) Target lambda at partial load
Limiters: Engine speed limitaion, Vehicle speed limitaion
Scalings: Coolant temperature sensor scaling, Intake air temperature sensor scaling, Throttle position sensor in case of fault
Spark Advance: Dwell time, Dwell time maximum, Ignition angle correction, Spark advance af enter full load, Spark advance at idle by temperature, Spark advance at partial load, Spark advance characteristic map, Spark advance correction via coolant temperature, Spark advance correction via intake temperature, Spark advance during start by temperature

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Стоимость лицензии:
14300.00 руб.   Заказать

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